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Event Risk Management

Ensuring safety at your event

As a community group organiser, you play a vital role in bringing people together for memorable events that foster connection and joy. However, with this responsibility comes the crucial task of ensuring the safety and well-being of all attendees.

Whether you’re hosting a family fun day, a local festival, or a charity fundraiser, the expectation is clear everyone should be able to enjoy the event in a secure environment. 

Prioritising safety for your community event:

In this blog, we’ll explore some considerations for events, common risks to be aware of, and valuable resources to assist you in your planning. 

First things first, having a detailed Event Management Plan is crucial. This plan should outline all aspects of your event, including the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved. Start by checking for any conflicting events that might impact your location or activities. It’s also important to ensure that your event complies with local regulations, so make sure to apply for any necessary permits and follow any special conditions regarding activities on roads.

Common hazards that can pose risks at events include:

•  Holes in the ground or walkways.

•  Marquee pegs in thoroughfares.

•  Electrical leads on the ground and untagged equipment.

•  Overcrowding in car parks or mixing vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

•  Uneven stage floors or performance spaces.

•  Lack of handwashing facilities at food stalls.

Utilise our Event Management Checklist as a resource to help you identify potential risks related to your event activities, evaluate their likelihood, and put in place measures to minimise them.

Remember, thorough planning and proactive risk management not only protect your attendees but also contribute to a positive experience that fosters community spirit!

⬇️  Download Event Management Checklist

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LCPA# 24/516.